Gold Characters

30 Results
Kenshi - Elder God, Gold character, Elder God, Martial Artist character, Challenge character
16-Nov-2020 5339 Admin
Kenshi - Elder God

Kenshi Elder God has the highest toughness among the gold characters. His passive works best when he fights together with other Elder God characters, as it will give his teammates a 20% critical hit chance on basic attacks and they will be immune to critical hits too, apart from gaining a bar of power when Kenshi defeats an opponent. I would team him up with Raiden - Dark (as an opener) and any other Elder God character. When it comes to equipment, I always give him his Sento Blade together with Vial of Infinite Blood and Shao Kahn's Helmet. This way, you can chain his basic attacks and get a pretty good chance of a critical hit on your opponents.



God of the Blade: Power Boost, Immunity - Critical, Critical Chance - When opponents are defeated by Kenshi's special attack, he and his teammates gain a bar of power. Elder God teammates are immune to critical attacks and have a +20% critical hit chance on basic attacks.



  1. Tele-Push- Attack: Medium damage + Power Drain
  2. Spiritual Flurry - Attack: High damage + Curse
  3. Tele-Strike - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Power



  • Telekinetic Master - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Kenshi characters
  • Acute Senses - Bonus Health for all Kenshi characters
  • Ancestral Souls - Bonus Recovery for all Kenshi characters


Sub-Zero - Cryomancer, Gold character, Martial Artist character, Non Challenge character
20-Nov-2020 1175 Admin
Sub-Zero - Cryomancer

Cryomancer Sub-Zero is a good support character, giving martial artist teammates 30% additional health. He looks and feels very much like Sub-Zero - Grand Master, unfortunately, he doesn't come back after being defeated 😕.



Discipline: Health Boost - +30% Health for Martial Artist teammates.



  1. Ice Ball - Attack: Medium damage + Freeze
  2. Cold Blooded - Grapple: High damage
  3. Deep Freeze - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Shield



  • Cryomancer - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Sub-Zero characters
  • Clan: Lin Kuei - Bonus Health for all Sub-Zero characters
  • Brother: Noob Saibot - Bonus Recovery for all Sub-Zero characters


Tanya - Treacherous, Gold character, Martial Artist, Outworld character, Challenge character
20-Nov-2020 2892 Admin
Tanya - Treacherous

After Kold War Tower and especially battle 160, where Boss Shang Tsung - MK11 is equipped with 4 powerful equipment pieces, Treacherous Tanya has become a must-have in your collection. Her unique passive ability can break all enemy equipment (1 by 1) on a successful special attack and successful means that your opponent is NOT blocking your attack. Her signature equipment can definitely help her, having 20-30% unblockable chance on special attacks, but you if you prefer you can user something else (eg. Sento Blade or Bladed Fan).

Treacherous Tanya is could be teamed with Martial Artists or Outworld characters as has dual Class. We often see her with Mileena - Klassic and Kitana - Mournful.



Operative: Equipment Disable, Power Drain Reduction - Tanya disables her opponent's Equipment card on any successful special attack. Power drain has a reduced effect on her teammates.



  1. Ankle Kutter - Attack: Medium damage + Luck
  2. Bird of Prey - Attack: High damage + Power
  3. Up and Over - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Cripple



  • Pyromancer - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Tanya characters
  • Ally: Mileena - Bonus Health for all Tanya characters
  • Rival: Jade - Bonus Recovery for all Tanya characters


Kung Jin - Shaolin, Gold character, Martial Artist character, Non Challenge character
20-Nov-2020 1165 Admin
Kung Jin - Shaolin

Kund Jin Shaolin has a really useful passive ability. Giving all martial artist teammates 1 bar of power, you could team him with characters such as Takeda - Shirai Ryu and Jacqui Briggs - Kosplay to get the most out of him. The only other character who give starting power to Martial Artists starting power is a diamond (Scorpion - Hellspawn).

Kung Jin's 1st special attack works from any distance and his 2nd apply bleed, so we can say they are both good in their own way.



Chi Mastery: Starting Power - All Martial Artist teammates start with +1 bar of power.



  1. Arrow - Attack: Medium damage
  2. Chakram - Attack: High damage + Bleed
  3. Staff Infection - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Blind



  • Rapid Fire - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Kung Jin characters
  • Chakram Mastery - Bonus Health for all Kung Jin characters
  • Family Honor - Bonus Recovery for all Kung Jin characters


Scorpion - Injustice, Gold character, Martial Artist character, Non Challenge character
20-Nov-2020 2413 Admin
Scorpion - Injustice

Scorpion Injustice have a passive that only benefit himself, and it depends on fire, therefore he is best teamed with other characters that deal fire eg. Goro - Tiger Fury, Scorpion - MK11, Triborg - Sektor (LK-9T9). The best equipment for him would be the Wrath Hammer and Shao Kahn's Helmet together with the Bloody Voodoo Doll.



Hellfire: Attack Boost - +25% damage against enemies affected by fire.



  1. Spear - Attack: Medium damage + Stun
  2. Flip Kick - Attack: High damage + Fire
  3. From Hell - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Curse



  • Wraith - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Scorpion characters
  • Clan: Shirai Ryu - Bonus Health for all Scorpion characters
  • Rival: Sub-Zero - Bonus Recovery for all Johnny Cage characters


Mortal Kombat Mobile Gold Characters Overview

The Gold tier is the most popular in the game with almost 100 characters. It come after the Silver and before the Diamond tier. We like to divide the golden characters into Challenge (the ones your can collect after completing a challenge mode) and non-challenge. Generally the challenge gold characters are stronger, faster and look and feel better when you play with them, whist the non-challenge characters are really good for support when it comes to their passive abilities. There are some exeptions ofcourse. Cassie Cage - Covert Ops for example has really good attack and health stats as well as really good passive ability. I believe she is the best non-challenge character for the price (only 250 souls from the store).