20-Nov-2020 1180
Kung Jin - Shaolin
Kund Jin Shaolin has a really useful passive ability. Giving all martial artist teammates 1 bar of power, you could team him with characters such as Takeda - Shirai Ryu and Jacqui Briggs - Kosplay to get the most out of him. The only other character who give starting power to Martial Artists starting power is a diamond (Scorpion - Hellspawn).
Kung Jin's 1st special attack works from any distance and his 2nd apply bleed, so we can say they are both good in their own way.
Chi Mastery: Starting Power - All Martial Artist teammates start with +1 bar of power.
- Arrow - Attack: Medium damage
- Chakram - Attack: High damage + Bleed
- Staff Infection - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Blind
- Rapid Fire - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Kung Jin characters
- Chakram Mastery - Bonus Health for all Kung Jin characters
- Family Honor - Bonus Recovery for all Kung Jin characters