Gold Characters

Raiden - Dark
Dark Raiden is a very special character in the game. He has a passive ability that we wish we have on each of our characters or at least part of it. He heals from DOTs as Fire, poison and bleed, he reverses the frostbite and gets more power instead of being power drained. Also, if he is confronted with Sonya Blade Kombat Cup, he instantly gets 3 bars of power instead of being tagged out. In addition, he also heals from any Dark Magic (often applied in Towers).
Now, it all sounds very nice, however, Dark Raiden is not invincible. There are many characters (eg Tremor - Aftershock) that can skip his passive, or just have better damage over Netherrealm characters in general and quickly defeat him, because of his low attack and health.
He is best teamed with Kenshi - Elder God and Shinnok - Vengeful.
Corrupted Elder God: Reverse DOT & Power Drain - Bleed, fire and poison will heal Dark Raiden instead of damaging him. Power drain gives power instead of draining it.
- Electric Fly - Attack: Medium damage
- Shocker - Grapple: High damage + Curse
- Shock Therapy - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Power
- God of Thunder - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Raiden characters
- Lightning Teleport - Bonus Health for all Raiden characters
- Ally: Fujin, God of Wind - Bonus Recovery for all Raiden characters

Kenshi - Elder God
Kenshi Elder God has the highest toughness among the gold characters. His passive works best when he fights together with other Elder God characters, as it will give his teammates a 20% critical hit chance on basic attacks and they will be immune to critical hits too, apart from gaining a bar of power when Kenshi defeats an opponent. I would team him up with Raiden - Dark (as an opener) and any other Elder God character. When it comes to equipment, I always give him his Sento Blade together with Vial of Infinite Blood and Shao Kahn's Helmet. This way, you can chain his basic attacks and get a pretty good chance of a critical hit on your opponents.
God of the Blade: Power Boost, Immunity - Critical, Critical Chance - When opponents are defeated by Kenshi's special attack, he and his teammates gain a bar of power. Elder God teammates are immune to critical attacks and have a +20% critical hit chance on basic attacks.
- Tele-Push- Attack: Medium damage + Power Drain
- Spiritual Flurry - Attack: High damage + Curse
- Tele-Strike - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Power
- Telekinetic Master - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Kenshi characters
- Acute Senses - Bonus Health for all Kenshi characters
- Ancestral Souls - Bonus Recovery for all Kenshi characters

Sonya Blade - Kombat Cup
Kombat Cup Sonya has one of the best passive abilities of all gold characters. Apart from the immunity to Stung for all Kombat Cup characters (currently only Johnny Cage), she forces her opponent to tag out, he loses all power and cannon recover nor generates more power. This is really helpful when fighting in towers and your opponents have some generation or vampirism ability. Another particular character against which she is good is Liu Kang - Circle of Shadow.
Referee: Immunity - Stunm, Forced Tag-Out, Power Drain, Disable - All Kombat Cup characters on the team are immune to stun. The first time Sonya tags-in, she forces the opponent to tag-out and loses all power. That forced-out opponent has recovery and power generation disabled and cannot tag-in. Bosses are immune.
- Arc Kick - Attack: Medium damage
- Red Card - Attack: High damage + Fear
- Special Forces - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Shield
- Deadly Kiss - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Sonya Blade characters
- Elite Athlete - Bonus Health for all Sonya Blade characters
- Rival: Kano - Bonus Recovery for all Sonya Blade characters

Sonya Blade - Klassic
Klassic Sonya has a special attack that does damage to the entire enemy team. This is really useful when you have to fight against enraged enemies and you are able to snare one of them. She also breaks her opponent shield with the same Special Attack 1, which additionally reduces the resistance and increases your chance for a fatal blow hit. Because of her passive, she is best paired with Spec Ops characters, like Johnny Cage - Kombat Cup and/or Cassie Cage - Covert Ops
Armor-Piercing: AoE Damage, Shield Break, Ignore Toughness - Sonya's Neutralized (special attack 1) deals damage to the entire team and breaks their shields. Also, all Spec Ops on her team ignore enemy toughness.
- Neutralized - Attack: Medium damage + Shield Break
- American Way - Attack: High damage + Slow
- Special Forces - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Shield
- Deadly Kiss - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Sonya Blade characters
- Elite Athlete - Bonus Health for all Sonya Blade characters
- Rival: Kano - Bonus Recovery for all Sonya Blade characters

Johnny Cage - Kombat Cup
Johnny Cage Kombat Cup is by far the best Gold character in Mortal Kombat Mobile. He has amazing stats, incredibly useful passive abilities and even better special attacks. His SP1 (special attack 1) does medium damage + Power Drain, his second attack does high damage + Fire, so almost anyone who you fight against will not manage to use his special attacks. He also moves swiftly and when he is given some particular gear deals a great amount of damage. He is best teamed with Sonya Blade Kombat Cup of course, but we've seen him do magic with Triborg Cyrax (LK-4D4) (the yellow Triborg), Sonya Blade Demolition and Cassie Cage - Covert Ops.
Striker: Health Boost, Attack Boost, Recovery Boost, Stun - +15% to attack, health, toughness and recovery for all Kombat Cup Characters on the team. When the opponent tries to tag-out, there is a 50% chance they get stunned by an incoming football instead.
- Kracker - Attack: Medium damage + Power Drain
- Football - Attack: High damage + Fire
- Kasting Kall - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Strengthen
- Seido Training - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Johnny Cage characters
- Does His Own Stunts - Bonus Health for all Johnny Cage characters
- A Lister - Bonus Recovery for all Johnny Cage characters

Jax Briggs - Heavy Weapons
Jax Briggs has the highest toughness among the gold characters. He moves swiftly and has a great special attack 2. I wouldn't use special attack 1 because of the minigame (bubble) and the short distance it requires to be successful. Team him up with Kenshi - Balanced and Jacqui Briggs - High Tech to gain a starting bar of power and a quicker power generation to execute L.A.W. Blast (special attack 2) as many times as you can and a quick end of the battle is guaranteed.
Heavy Weapons: Toughness Boost, AoE Damage, Shield Break - +30% toughness for all Spec Ops teammates. L.A.W. Blast (special attack 2) deals damage to the entire enemy team and breaks shields.
- Gotcha Beatdown - Grapple: Medium damage
- L.A.W. Blast - Attack: High damage + Shield Break
- Bring It - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Power
- Gotcha - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Jax Briggs characters
- Gym Rat - Bonus Health for all Jax Briggs characters
- O.I.A. - Bonus Recovery for all Jax Briggs characters

Jacqui Briggs - High Tech
Whist Kund Lao - Shaolin fist give 50% power to all Martial Artist character when he is tagged-in, Jacqui Briggs' passive ability - increases all Spec Ops characters power generation with 20% while they are playing. Although it may not sounds like a lot, this passive could be really helpful if you are fighting in a tower and power generation is reduced. She can also help with her special attack 1, as it drains her opponents' power. She is best teamed with Cassie Cage - Covert Ops and Takeda - Shirai Ryu.
Overcharge: Power Gen. - All Spec Ops teammates have 20% increased power generation.
- Plasma Burst - Attack: Medium damage + Power Drain
- Gauntlet Strike - Attack: High damage + Power
- Chest Kavity - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Cripple
- Heavy Hitter - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Jacqui Briggs characters
- Bulletproof - Bonus Health for all Jacqui Briggs characters
- Father: Jax Briggs - Bonus Recovery for all Jacqui Briggs characters

Reptile - Kraken
Kraken Reptile is probably the best Reptile from the Golden tier. His special attacks are useful, his stats are better compared to the other 2 gold reptiles (which looks like twins by the way - Reptile - Nimble & Reptile - Noxious) and his passive isn't too bad. He looks unique and can hurt his opponents even if he doesn't attack.
Acidic Blood: Damage Reflect - When Reptile is hit by any attack, there is a chance acid blood splashes the enemy dealing unavoidable damage.
- Acid Puke - Attack: Medium damage + Poison
- Carnivore Bash - Attack: High damage + Slow
- Extinction Event - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Regen
- Venomous - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Reptile characters
- Broodmate: Khameleon - Bonus Health for all Reptile characters
- Zaterra - Bonus Recovery for all Reptile characters
Mortal Kombat Mobile Gold Characters Overview
The Gold tier is the most popular in the game with almost 100 characters. It come after the Silver and before the Diamond tier. We like to divide the golden characters into Challenge (the ones your can collect after completing a challenge mode) and non-challenge. Generally the challenge gold characters are stronger, faster and look and feel better when you play with them, whist the non-challenge characters are really good for support when it comes to their passive abilities. There are some exeptions ofcourse. Cassie Cage - Covert Ops for example has really good attack and health stats as well as really good passive ability. I believe she is the best non-challenge character for the price (only 250 souls from the store).