20-Feb-2021 4834
Noob Saibot - Klassic
Since update 3.1.1 Klassic characters have become even better than before, because of the Klassic characters synergy.
Blessed by the Shadow: Block Breaker, Combo Extender - Noob Saibot's Ghost Ball (Special Attack 1) disables his opponent's block, making all incoming attacks considered Unblockable for 10 seconds.
When Special Attack 2 is performed at 80%+, it activates a continuous chain of Special Attacks, up to 6 times.
Synergy: Klassic characters including Noob Saibot receive a 30% damage boost to all unblockable attacks.
- Ghostball - Attack: Medium damage
- Tele-Slam - Attack: High damage + Power
- Together Again - Fatal Blow Attack: Extreme damage + Death mark
- Doppelganger - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Noob Saibot characters
- Original: Sub-Zero - Bonus Health for all Noob Saibot characters
- Reborn in Netherrealm - Bonus Recovery for all Noob Saibot characters
And here is a video review of Noob Saibot - Klassic: