Raiden - Thunder God, Gold Elder God Challenge  character - MKmobileInfo
16-Nov-2020 3457 MKmobileInfo
2 Rating(s)

Raiden - Thunder God

Raiden - Thunder God is good for a tag-in-tag-out character because of his passive. He can reduce his opponent's health and leave them powerless if one uses his special attack 2, giving your next character a great advantage. He moves swiftly and has pretty high toughness, making him quite durable.

He is a good pair with Kenshi - Elder God and Shinnok - Vengeful.



Storm God: Tag-In  Attack - When Raiden tags-in, lightning strikes the opponent removing 20% of their current health.



  1. Electric Fly - Attack: Medium damage
  2. Heavenly Hands - Attack: High damage + Power Drain
  3. Shock Therapy - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Power



  • God of Thunder - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Raiden characters
  • Lightning Teleport - Bonus Health for all Raiden characters
  • Ally: Fujin, God of Wind - Bonus Recovery for all Raiden characters



Storm Hat, Rare Equipment, Armor - MKmobileInfo
Storm Hat

  • 25-45% Toughness boost;
  • [RAIDEN] 10-20% X-Ray/Fatal Blow attack damage boost;
  • 20% Power generation boost. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

And here is a video review of Raiden - Thunder God:


2 Rating(s)