Sonya Blade - Klassic, Gold Spec Ops Challenge  character - MKmobileInfo
20-Nov-2020 3701 MKmobileInfo
3 Rating(s)

Sonya Blade - Klassic

Klassic Sonya has a special attack that does damage to the entire enemy team. This is really useful when you have to fight against enraged enemies and you are able to snare one of them. She also breaks her opponent shield with the same Special Attack 1, which additionally reduces the resistance and increases your chance for a fatal blow hit. Because of her passive, she is best paired with Spec Ops characters, like Johnny Cage - Kombat Cup and/or Cassie Cage - Covert Ops



Armor-Piercing: AoE Damage, Shield Break, Ignore Toughness - Sonya's Neutralized (special attack 1) deals damage to the entire team and breaks their shields. Also, all Spec Ops on her team ignore enemy toughness.



  1. Neutralized - Attack: Medium damage + Shield Break
  2. American Way - Attack: High damage + Slow
  3. Special Forces - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Shield



  • Deadly Kiss - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Sonya Blade characters
  • Elite Athlete - Bonus Health for all Sonya Blade characters
  • Rival: Kano - Bonus Recovery for all Sonya Blade characters



Military Vest, Rare Equipment, Armor - MKmobileInfo
Military Vest

  • 15-35% Max Health boost;
  • [SONYA BLADE] 10-20% Self heal at the end of Special Attack 3 or X-Ray/Fatal Blow attack;
  • 50% Opponent Critical Hit Chance reduction. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

And here is a video review of Sonya Blade - Klassic:


3 Rating(s)

Gerardo Gutierrez

Ok so give her block breaker, go to your talents and max out outworld scroge, mediatation and weak points talents. Then, from the elder wind tower, give her lucky varmins hat. So what have you done? With block breaker, and her combo strings, she can conti

figa van de nida

Good in Kombat, but her face expression is strangly weird. Maybe she need to reboot to Bridgette Wilson's model from Mortal Kombat Movie (1995).