Jade - Assassin, Diamond Martial Artist, Outworld  Assassin character - MKmobileInfo
08-Jul-2021 2188 MKmobileInfo
2 Rating(s)

Jade - Assassin


Vanishing Winds: Evasion, Cripple, Support, Counter Attack - Assassin Characters on the team have 20-40% chance to dodge any special attack or combo ender. Jade retaliates with an unblockable, crippling attack that deals low/medium/high damage.

  • Dodge chance: 20-40%;
  • Retaliation Damage: low/medium/high

Synergy: Assassins do 10% more Damage versus Circle of Shadow.



  1. Staff Whack - Attack: Medium damage + Shield Break
  2. Spinning Staff - Attack: High damage + Blind
  3. Staff Busted - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Blind



  • Razor Rang - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Jade characters
  • Bojutsu Training - Bonus Health for all Jade characters
  • Friend: Kitana - Bonus Recovery for all Jade characters



Bojutsu Staff, Rare Equipment, Weapon - MKmobileInfo
Bojutsu Staff

  • 15-25% Critical Hit Chance boost;
  • [JADE] Every missed attack boost Jade's attack damage by 10-60%;
  • 25% Damage boost against enemies affected by Bleed or Poison. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

Edenian Force Rejection Field, Epic Equipment, Armor, Shirai Ryui - MKmobileInfo
Edenian Force Rejection Field

Newly updated stats since October 2023.

  • Health is increased and restored by 20% after performing any successful Special Attack. Max 3 times in the battle;
  • Opponents affected by Blind have a 30-70% chance to also miss during Special Attacks.
  • 300-1200% Max Health boost. Shirai Ryu Tower only.
  • [JADE][SET] If this is equipped alongside Edenian Bracelets, any DIAMOND or ASCENDED Jade gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.
  • 50% Chance to reflect any debuff back to an opponent. Team debuffs are not affected. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

Edenian Bracelets, Epic Equipment, Accessory, Shirai Ryui - MKmobileInfo
Edenian Bracelets

Newly updated stats since October 2023.

  • 20-40% Power generation boost.
  • For each Bar of power acquired by the user while tagged-in, with a 34-50% chance Blind is applied to the opponent for 7sec.
  • 75-225% Damage boost. Shirai Ryu Tower only.
  • 150-450% Max Health boost. Shirai Ryu Tower only.
  • [JADE][SET] If this is equipped alongside Edenian Force Rejection Field, any DIAMOND or ASCENDED Jade gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.
  • [JADE] Once per match, Jade avoids death by automatically tagging out before the killing blow and applying Team Blind. This effect does not trigger if the killing blow is Brutality.
  • With a 30% chance user will automatically perform Special Attack 3 or Fatal Blow/X-Ray instead of Special Attack 1 against a Blinded opponent. Max 2 times per match. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

Royalguard's Cowl, Rare Equipment, Armor - MKmobileInfo
Royalguard's Cowl

  • Gain Power upon tag-in for 5-10sec;
  • 40-60% Chance to apply Oblivion on every 3rd Block Breaker attack.
  • [JADE] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Royalguard's Emerald Haze, any DIAMOND Jade gains the ability to perform a Friendship. Once the opponent's Health is below  25% and the Friendship bar is filled up by performing multiple Special Attacks, a Friendship can be performed, ending the fight immediately.
  • User's Special Attack Damage is increased by 5% for each active debuff on the opponent. Maximum Damage Boost - 30%. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

Royalguard's Emerald Haze, Epic Equipment, Weapon - MKmobileInfo
Royalguard's Emerald Haze

  • 30-40% Basic Attack unblockable chance;
  • Apply Cripple on opponent's tag-in for 5-10sec.
  • [JADE] Before tagging out, Jade has a 40-80% chance to perform an unblockable attack that removes all opponent's buffs and resets timer on all debuffs and DOTs applied to the opponent.
  • [JADE] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Royalguard's Cowl, any DIAMOND Jade gains the ability to perform a Friendship. Once the opponent's Health is below  25% and the Friendship bar is filled up by performing multiple Special Attacks, a Friendship can be performed, ending the fight immediately.
  • Each time the opponent tries to apply a debuff to the user, there is a 65% chance the debuff will be resisted and Bleed or Poison is applied to the opponent. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

And here is a video review of Jade - Assassin:


2 Rating(s)