Royalguard's Emerald Haze, Epic Equipment, Weapon - MKmobileInfo
09-Apr-2024 1141 Admin
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Royalguard's Emerald Haze

  • 30-40% Basic Attack unblockable chance;
  • Apply Cripple on opponent's tag-in for 5-10sec.
  • [JADE] Before tagging out, Jade has a 40-80% chance to perform an unblockable attack that removes all opponent's buffs and resets timer on all debuffs and DOTs applied to the opponent.
  • [JADE] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Royalguard's Cowl, any DIAMOND Jade gains the ability to perform a Friendship. Once the opponent's Health is below  25% and the Friendship bar is filled up by performing multiple Special Attacks, a Friendship can be performed, ending the fight immediately.
  • Each time the opponent tries to apply a debuff to the user, there is a 65% chance the debuff will be resisted and Bleed or Poison is applied to the opponent. (Unlocks at fusion level X)


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