Bo' Rai Cho - Dragon Breath, Gold Martial Artist Challenge  character - MKmobileInfo
20-Nov-2020 2278 MKmobileInfo
2 Rating(s)

Bo' Rai Cho - Dragon Breath

Bo' Rai Cho has one of the best passive abilities among the gold characters. He is extremely useful against most characters. Make sure he is not a starting character and equip him with a Wrath hammer or his signature equipment + a piece of block-breaking equipment to get the most out of him. In addition, you can team him up with Kung Lao - Hat Trick or Triborg - Cyrax (LK-4D4).



Double Vision: AoE. Damage, Critical Chance - Combo enders and critical hits have a 50% chance to inflict additional damage on one of the tagged-out opponents. +25% critical hit chance for all Martial Artists on the team.



  1. Ignition - Attack: Medium damage + Stun
  2. High Spirit - Attack: High damage + Weaken
  3. Drunk-Upuncture - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Cripple



  • Master's Wrath - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Bo' Rai Cho characters
  • Spinning Teleport - Bonus Health for all Bo' Rai Cho characters
  • Ally: Bo' Rai Cho - Bonus Recovery for all Bo' Rai Cho characters



Bo' Rai Cho's Flask, Rare Equipment, Weapon - MKmobileInfo
Bo' Rai Cho's Flask

  • 15-25% Critical Hit Chance boost;
  • [BO' RAI CHO] 5-15% Damage boost;
  • 25% Chance to apply Cripple to the active enemy at the start of the match when equipped on a starting character. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

And here is a video review of Bo' Rai Cho - Dragon Breath:


2 Rating(s)