Kung Lao - Hat Trick, Gold Martial Artist Non Challenge  character - MKmobileInfo
20-Nov-2020 1400 MKmobileInfo
2 Rating(s)

Kung Lao - Hat Trick

Kung Lao Hat Trick is more of a supporting character more than a fighter. A good team for him would be together with Kund Lao - Shaolin fist and Kung Lao - Shaoling Master. They would receive a significant boost in their critical hit chance and damage.



Dim Mak: Critical Damage, Critical Chance - All Martial Artist teammates deal +50% critical damage. Kung Lao has a +25% critical hit chance.



  1. Spin Toss - Attack: Medium damage
  2. Hat Trap - Attack: High damage + Snare
  3. Head Trauma - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Strengthen



  • Hat Toss - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Kung Lao characters
  • Spinning Teleport - Bonus Health for all Kung Lao characters
  • Ally: Bo' Rai Cho - Bonus Recovery for all Kung Lao characters



Bladed Hat, Rare Equipment, Armor - MKmobileInfo
Bladed Hat

  • 25-45% Toughness boost;
  • [KUNG LAO] 20-40% Special Attack 1 damage boost;
  • 25% Chance to reflect 100% basic attack damage when blocking. (Unlocks at fusion level X)


2 Rating(s)