20-Nov-2020 959
Kenshi - Possessed
Kenshi Possessed is an offensive rather a supporting character. His passive the active opponent on fire and give him time do execute a special attack or even defeat/finish the opponent. He is often teamed with Scorpion - Ninjutsu and Sub-Zero - Cryomancer.
Demonology: Tag-In Attack, Fire - Ambushes opponent on tag-in, setting the victim on fire.
- Tele-Push - Attack: Medium damage + Power Drain
- Demon Slice - Attack: High damage
- Tele-Strike - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Luck
- Telekinetic Master - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Kenshi characters
- Acute Senses - Bonus Health for all Kenshi characters
- Ancestral Souls - Bonus Recovery for all Kenshi characters
And here is a video review of Kenshi - Possessed: