Kung Jin - Marksman, Gold Martial Artist Challenge  character - MKmobileInfo
20-Nov-2020 1875 MKmobileInfo
3 Rating(s)

Kung Jin - Marksman

Kund Jin Marksman is a very underestimated character. He is a challenge character, although his stats say differently. I guess he was designed to always be in the same team as Takeda - Shiray Ryu, who boosts his damage, health and critical hit by 30%. Then, together with his signature equipment, he starts feeling like a much more worthy character.



Ancestral Shot: Life Drain, Stun, Fire - Kung Jin's finishing arrow from his combo ender inflicts unique effects: Life drain, stun or fire.



  1. Split Shot - Attack: Medium damage
  2. Serving Blow - Attack: High damage + Luck
  3. Staff Infection - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Blind



  • Rapid Fire - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Kung Jin characters
  • Chakram Mastery - Bonus Health for all Kung Jin characters
  • Family Honor - Bonus Recovery for all Kung Jin characters



Shaolin Bow, Rare Equipment, Weapon - MKmobileInfo
Shaolin Bow

  • 15-25% Critical Hit Chance boost;
  • [KUNG JIN] 30-50% Chance to drain 33% Power on Special Attack 2;
  • 25% Damage boost against enemies affected by Bleed or Poison. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

And here is a video review of Kung Jin - Marksman:


3 Rating(s)

Raiden Mk11

Sometimes can be slow