Triborg - Sub-Zero (LK-520), Gold Martial Artist Challenge  character - MKmobileInfo
20-Nov-2020 2646 MKmobileInfo
4 Rating(s)

Triborg - Sub-Zero (LK-520)

Triborg Sub-Zero is probably the best Tribor because of his passive ability. He can be teamed with other Triborg characters or another Sub-Zero and do just great.

It is important to note that whist other Triborg passive abilities would work most of the time, the frostbite will only work when you have the support robot above your active character, which is basically every other special attack 1 you do.

As to equipment, Wrath Hammer, Shao Kahn's Helmet and the Vial of Infinite Blood is the best choice in most cases.



Assimilation Protocol v4.0: Frostbite, Shield, Critical Chance, Support - All Triborg Characters gain a support robot to improve any special attack with frostbite. On tag-in, he gains a 5-second ice shield. His teammates have +50% critical hit chance against enemies affected by freeze.



  1. Cyber Strike - Attack: Medium damage
  2. Technical Blitz - Attack: High damage + Poison
  3. Cyber Initiative - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Weaken



  • Chest Rocket - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Triborg characters
  • Spare Parts - Bonus Health for all Triborg characters
  • Cyber Initiative - Bonus Recovery for all Triborg characters



Cyber Armor, Rare Equipment, Armor - MKmobileInfo
Cyber Armor

  • 15-35% Self heal at the end of Special Attack 3 or X-Ray/Fatal Blow attack;
  • [TRIBORG] 30-50% Resistance to all Debuffs;
  • 25% Basic attack damage boost. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

And here is a video review of Triborg - Sub-Zero (LK-520):


4 Rating(s)