Fujin - Onslaught
Air Wisdom: Air Wisdom, Tornado Ambush, Extra Attack, Attack Steal, Healing, Power Drain, Power Gain, Dispel, Assist - After 10 successful Basic Combo Attack hits, Fujin can choose to gain Tornado Ambush buff or an instant Random bonus. If Basic Combo Attack is blocked, it counts as 0.5 hits for Air Wisdom. Tornado Ambush is active for 6 seconds, reduces the active opponent's attack by 10% (6% for bosses) and increases Fujin's attack by the same percentage for the rest of the fight. If a new opponent tags-in while Tornado Ambush is active, their attack will also be reduced. Maximum Fujin's attack boost and maximum attack reduction for each opponent - 50%. On tag-out Fujin loses 5% of the increased attack amount every 5 seconds.
Fujin applies Weaken on Special Attack 1 “Krossbow Blast”.
Random bonuses:
- Instant Damage
- Regain Health Instantly
- Dispel
- Drain 1 Bar of power Instantly
- Gain 1 Bar of power Instantly
Synergy: After Elder God teammate's Combo enders, Onslaught Fujin has a 30% chance to assist with a crossbow and shoot the opponent while tagged-out, dealing damage. Onslaught teammates have a 50% chance to resist Power Drain.
- Krossbow Blast - Attack: Medium damage
- Winds of Change - Attack: High damage + Weaken
- Air Slam - Fatal Blow Attack: Extreme damage + Stun
- Elder God Power - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Fujin characters
- Ally: Raiden - Bonus Health for all Fujin characters
- Jinsei Energy - Bonus Recovery for all Fujin characters
very solid character that feels stronger than mk11 Fujin when you play it