The Joker - Ace of Knaves, Diamond Nomad   character - MKmobileInfo
11-Aug-2022 4853 MKmobileInfo
4 Rating(s)

The Joker - Ace of Knaves


Kard Trick: Poison, Cripple, Healing - Joker owns three card decks with different unique abilities. Each time Joker enters the fight, he chooses one deck that he is going to use in this battle. By using cards from the active deck, Joker inflicts damage on the opponent and also applies this deck's corresponding unique effect. The amount of cards inside the deck is limited.

  • Health Recovery: 10-25%;


  • Venom Deck - The card intoxicates the opponent with “Joker's Juice”. The affected opponent has a 50% chance to miss their attacks and takes small damage over time.
  • Grinning Deck - The explosive card deals medium damage, temporarily disables opponent's Special Attacks, and has a 50% chance to destroy opponent's armor or weapon.
  • Buzzer Deck - The card attaches a tiny buzzer that will continue to strike the opponent with electricity until it is out of battery. It deals more and more damage along with draining power with every strike. To remove the buzzer, the opponent has to tag out.

Each time his teammate dies, Joker gets excited and restores 10% of his max HP.



  1. Boing - Attack: Medium damage + Shield Break
  2. Kapow - Grapple: High damage + Stun
  3. Smile - Fatal Blow Attack: Extreme damage + Slow



  • Mr. Nobody - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Joker characters
  • Red Hood - Bonus Health for all Joker characters
  • Clown Prince Of Crime - Bonus Recovery for all Joker characters



Prankster's Banger, Rare Equipment, Weapon - MKmobileInfo
Prankster's Banger

  • 25-45% Basic Attacks unblockable chance;
  • [THE JOKER] 30% Chance to apply Snare on Special Attack 2;
  • 50% Reduced power cost on Special Attack 2. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

Director's Makeover, Rare Equipment, Accessory, Action Movie Tower - MKmobileInfo
Director's Makeover

  • 15-35% Critical Hit chance boost;
  • 10-15% Chance to apply Shield Break on Critical Hit;
  • 20-150% Damage boost; Action Movie Tower only.
  • 40-300% Max Health boost. Action Movie Tower only.
  • [THE JOKER] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Director's Chair, any DIAMOND or ASCENDED Joker gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender. ending the fight immediately.
  • 100% Chance to apply Incurability on user's tag-in. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

Director's Chair, Epic Equipment, Armor, Action Movie Tower - MKmobileInfo
Director's Chair

  • 50-100% Chance to gain Dispel on successful Special Attack;
  • For every bar of Power spent by the user's team, the team gains 15-35% Critical Hit Damage boost for 20sec. This Critical Hit Damage boost can stack up to 3 times;
  • 300-1200% Max Health boost. Action Movie Tower only.
  • [THE JOKER] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Director's Makeover, any DIAMOND or ASCENDED Joker gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.
  • [THE JOKER] For every teammate's final death, The Joker gains 5-10% Power Generation boost and all incoming attacks damage reduction until the end of the match. The faster the teammate dies, the larger the damage reduction is.
  • 50% Chance to gain Invulnerability when debuffs were removed by Dispel from the user. (Unlocks at fusion level X)


4 Rating(s)



Rohit Kamb

The joker