10-Jul-2021 1796
Quan Chi - Circle of Shadow
Summoned Darkness: Damage Reflect, Shield, Vampirism, Unblockable - Quan Chi can reflect damage from the first three special attacks back at the opponent. Quan Chi's basic attacks have 10-30% chance to be unblockable. On tag-in, Circle of Shadow team members are granted vampirism on unblocked attacks for 10-20 seconds.
- Unblockable chance: 10-30%;
- Seconds of Vampirism: 10-20
Synergy: Circle of Shadow Characters do 10% more damage versus Strike Force Characters.
- Sky Crush - Attack: Medium damage + Weaken
- Ground Blast - Attack: High damage + Power Drain
- Skull Krusher - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Dispel
- Mind Control - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Quan Chi characters
- Demonic Steed - Bonus Health for all Quan Chi characters
- Dark Sorcery - Bonus Recovery for all Quan Chi characters
And here is a video review of Quan Chi - Circle of Shadow:
Nova Terra
An excellent character with a block breaker and cool passive abilities: good in Faction Wars and various Towers in that he takes damage and effectively restores his health on his second special move. Organic with Northern Xingtai gear.
jo dajat
Magic character!