Tempest Bangle, Rare Equipment, Accessory, Hellspawn Tower - MKmobileInfo
21-Jul-2024 691 Admin
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Tempest Bangle

  • 10-30% Reduced Power cost on all Special Attacks;
  • 5-50% Reduced Snare and Slow duration applied to the user;
  • 80-150% Damage boost; Hellspawn Tower only.
  • 80-300% Max Health boost; Hellspawn Tower only.
  • [RAIDEN] [SET] If this is equipped alongside Tempest Lasso, any DIAMOND Raiden gains the ability to perform a Friendship. Once the opponent's Health is below 25% and the Friendship bar is filled up by performing multiple Special Attacks, a Friendship can be performed, ending the fight immediately.
  • Gain Regeneration upon successful tag-out for 7 sec. (Unlocks at fusion level X)


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