26-Feb-2022 4367
Wicked Sister's Sultry Gown
- 40-100% Chance to apply Blind to an opponent after their tag-in;
- Gain Speed for 5-15sec upon applying Blind to an opponent;
- 300-1200% Max Health boost. Dark Queen's Tower only.
- [MILEENA] 20-40% Chance any negative effect successfully applied by an opponent to Mileena will grant her 0.5 Bar of power;
- [MILEENA][SET] If this is equipped alongside Wicked Sister's Festive Mask, any DIAMOND Mileena gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.
- When in a fight against a new opponent, reduce their max Health by 10% (5% for Bosses) and increase the user's max Health by the same amount until the end of the match. Summoned characters are not affected. (Unlocks at fusion level X)