19-Aug-2022 6294
Shang Tsung - Klassic
Face Dancer: Morphing, Stun, Soaked, Weaken, Cripple, Snare, Evasion, Power Drain, Assist, Healing - On Combo Enders Klassic Shang Tsung can randomly morph into one of Klassic Characters and perform their Combo Ender instead. On Special Attack 2 Klassic Shang Tsung can choose a Klassic Character to morph into and perform their Special Attack 2:
- Klassic Liu Kang - ‘Soul of the Dragon’ applies Stun;
- Klassic Rain - ‘Mind Control Orb’ applies Soaked;
- Klassic Raiden - ‘Power Discharge’ applies Weaken;
- Klassic Jax Briggs - ‘Backbreaker’ applies Cripple;
- Klassic Ermac - ‘Certain Death’ applies Snare.
Opponents have a 75% chance to miss Shang Tsung with Basic and Special attacks for 3 seconds after any of his morphing moves. Shang Tsung's own Special Attack 2 ‘Corpse Drop’ drains 50% of an opponent's current power.
Shang Tsung's scroll assists Klassic characters on Special Attack 1 with an energy beam that deals 20% of Shang Tsung's attack and heals an active teammate for the damage dealt.
- Crashing Flames - Attack: Medium damage
- Corpse Drop - Attack: High damage + Fear
- Shapeshifter's Barrage - Fatal Blow Attack: Extreme damage
- Tournament Grandmaster - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Shang Tsung characters
- Soul Devourer - Bonus Health for all Shang Tsung characters
- Devious Schemer - Bonus Recovery for all Shang Tsung characters