Kano - Commando, Gold Outworld Non Challenge  character - MKmobileInfo
20-Nov-2020 1028 MKmobileInfo
1 Rating(s)

Kano - Commando

Kano Commando does 25% more critical hits thanks to his passive, so he is best teamed with characters that can boost this ability (eg. Kotal Kahn - Sun God - +30% attack) and of course he needs some gear that will boost those too (Wrath Hammer and Shao Kahn's Helmet). His special attack 2 is unblockable, unfortunately, doesn't apply any DOT.

He is best used against characters that do blind as he is immune to it.



Cyborg Eye: Critical Chance, Immunity - Blind - +25% critical hit chance. Immune to blind.



  1. Kano Ball- Attack: Medium damage
  2. Piss and Moan - Grapple: High damage
  3. Lacerater - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Strengthen



  • Knife Fighter - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Kano characters
  • Cybernetics - Bonus Health for all Kano characters
  • Clan: Black Dragon - Bonus Recovery for all Kano characters



Combat Knife, Rare Equipment, Weapon - MKmobileInfo
Combat Knife

  • 30-50% Basic attack damage boost;
  • [KANO] 10-20% Special Attack 3 or X-Ray/Fatal Blow attack damage boost;
  • 15% Damage boost. Faction Wars Only. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

And here is a video review of Kano - Commando:


1 Rating(s)