Kano - Klassic, Gold Outworld Challenge  character - MKmobileInfo
20-Nov-2020 2219 MKmobileInfo
3 Rating(s)

Kano - Klassic

I found Klassic Kano best teamed with Goro - Tiger Fury because of his passive. His passive could be really useful sometimes, but could also work against him if his opponent has "Bloody Shokan Armor" equipment.

When it comes to equipment I would rather use the Wrath hammer with Klassic Kano instead of his Combat Knife, as he really needs his Critical hit damage boosted.



Cheap Shot: Unblockable, Stun, Critical Chance - Any attack blocked by the opponent has a 25% chance of stunning the opponent. Kano has a 100% critical hit chance against enemies affected by stun.



  1. Kano Ball- Attack: Medium damage
  2. Ear to Ear - Attack: High damage + Fire
  3. Lacerater - X-Ray Attack: Extreme damage + Strengthen



  • Knife Fighter - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Kano characters
  • Cybernetics - Bonus Health for all Kano characters
  • Clan: Black Dragon - Bonus Recovery for all Kano characters



Combat Knife, Rare Equipment, Weapon - MKmobileInfo
Combat Knife

  • 30-50% Basic attack damage boost;
  • [KANO] 10-20% Special Attack 3 or X-Ray/Fatal Blow attack damage boost;
  • 15% Damage boost. Faction Wars Only. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

And here is a video review of Kano - Klassic:


3 Rating(s)