Nightwolf - MK11, Diamond Elder God  MK11 character - MKmobileInfo
08-Oct-2021 5147 MKmobileInfo
4 Rating(s)

Nightwolf - MK11


Matoka Rite: Attack Boost, Damage Reflect, Power Gen. Reduction, Shield Break, Cripple, Power Drain, Health Boost, Power Gen. - When MK11 Nightwolf enters the fight, he calls to one of the spirit animals. Each spirit endues Nightwolf with power in the battle.

  • Damage boost: 10-30%;
  • Max Health boost: 20-40%;
  • Power Gen. boost: 10-20%


  • Kiba The Wolf - Special Attack 1 applies Shield Break. Nightwolf gets 20% Basic damage boost stack every time he successfully performs any Special Attack.
  • Komo the Bear - Special Attack 1 applies Cripple. Nightwolf has 20% chance to reflect Basic Attack and Special Attack 1 damage back to an opponent.
  • Hana the eagle - Special Attack 1 applies Power Drain. The Power Nighwolf's active opponent is gaining in the battle is reduced by 30%.

Synergy: MK11 teammates get bonuses according to Nightwolf's animal combat stance (even when Nightwolf is defeated):

  • Wolf spirit: 10% Damage boost;
  • Bear spirit: 20% Max Health boost;
  • Eagle spirit: 10% Power Gen. boost.



  1. Lightning Arrow - Attack: Medium damage
  2. Ancestral Light - Attack: High damage + Slow
  3. Spirit Hunter - Fatal Blow Attack: Extreme damage + Fire



  • Spirit Of Kiba - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Nightwolf characters
  • Spirit Of Komo - Bonus Health for all Nightwolf characters
  • Spirit Of Hana - Bonus Recovery for all Nightwolf characters



Tribal Headband, Rare Equipment, Accessory - MKmobileInfo
Tribal Headband

  • 25-35% Basic Attacks unblockable chance;
  • [NIGHTWOLF] 10% chance to apply Snare on Block Breaker;
  • Slow, Snare, Shield Break and Cripple last 30% longer. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

Matokan Bear Fang, Epic Equipment, Weapon, Elder Wind Tower - MKmobileInfo
Matokan Bear Fang

  • 50% Critical Hit chance boost;
  • Critical Hits on Special Attacks have 40% chance to Vampire the damage;
  • 150-600% Damage boost.  Elder Wind Tower only.
  • [NIGHTWOLF] At the start of the match and on tag-in, gain Speed for 10sec. All Special Attacks have a 70% chance to apply Weaken;
  • [NIGHTWOLF][SET] If this is equipped alongside Matokan Snake Skin, any DIAMOND Nightwolf gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.
  • Whenever the user resists or applies a debuff, gain 100% Critical Hit damage boost for 10sec. (Unlocks at fusion level X)

Matokan Snake Skin, Rare Equipment, Armor, Elder Wind Tower - MKmobileInfo
Matokan Snake Skin

  • 30% Resistance to all debuffs;
  • 50% Opponent Critical Hit Chance reduction;
  • 150-600% Max Health boost.  Elder Wind Tower only.
  • [NIGHTWOLF][SET] If this is equipped alongside Matokan Bear Fang, any DIAMOND Nightwolf gains a 40% chance to perform a Special Combo Ender dealing massive damage. If the last opponent is under 25% health, a Brutality is performed instead of the Special Combo Ender, ending the fight immediately.
  • Apply Incurability at the start of the match and on the opponent's tag-in for 15sec. (Unlocks at fusion level X)


4 Rating(s)




Brutality works with a frequency above average, the damage is very good, on 1 fusion its quite good even to hit bosses, a beautiful third ability, a cool passive, what more could you want?