31 Jul 24 - 07 Aug 24 645
Jade - Klassic
Challenge requirements
- Bronze Characters;
- Silver and Bronze Characters;
- Silver Characters;
- Your team must be made of only Outworld Characters;
- Kitana must be on your team.
- Bronze Characters;
- Silver and Bronze Characters;
- Silver Characters;
- Your team must be made of only Outworld Characters;
- Kitana must be on your team.
- Gold and Diamond Characters;
- Kitana and Liu Kang characters only;
- Your team must be made of only Netherrealm characters;
- Your team must be made of only Netherrealm Characters;
- Kitana and Liu Kang characters only.
Unique Boss Ability:
Mistress of Bojutsu - Klassic Jade has 80% chance to apply Blind on any Special Attack. Every time an opponent misses an attack, Klassic Jade gains 10% Speed increase for 15 seconds, stacking up to 50%.
When the opponent tries to tag-out, there is a 50% chance they will be interrupted. Boss Klassic Jade will perform a free Special Attack 1 right after.
Checkout Jade - Klassic stats and his signature equipment - Bojutstu Staff
And here is a video of the final boss battle: