Sindel - Edenial Blood, Gold Outworld  Edenian Blood character - MKmobileInfo
19-Dec-2023 2791 MKmobileInfo
4 Rating(s)

Sindel - Edenial Blood


Sonic Shock: Resonance, Speed Reduction, Extra Attack, Counter Attack, Sonic Shock, Power Steal, Damage increase, Immunity to Slow - Edenian Blood Sindel applies a Resonance effect on her Combo Enders. It reduces her opponent's speed by 3% and stacks up to 3 times.

If her opponent is affected by 3 Resonance effects, 5 times per match Sindel can use her Banshee Scream counter-attack, removing all Resonance effects, dealing damage, and plunging her foe into the Sonic Shock state for 5 seconds.

Sonick Shocked characters cannot attack, block or tag-out, and all Basic Combo Attacks against them gain Power Steal. Sonic Shock ends if the are damaged by a Special Attack. Special Attacks' damage is increased by 50% against opponents in Sonic Shock.

Synergy: For each additional Edenial Blood teammate, Sonic Shock duration is increased by 1 second. Outworld characters are immune to Slow.



  1. Hair Kut - Attack: Medium damage + Snare
  2. Mane Squeeze - Attack: High damage + Luck
  3. Edenian Royal Decree - Fatal Blow Attack: Extreme damage + Bleed



  • Traitor Queen - Bonus Attack in percentage for all Sindel characters
  • Mother Queen - Bonus Health for all Sindel characters
  • Lover Queen - Bonus Recovery for all Sindel characters



Femme Fatale Comb, Rare Equipment, Accessory - MKmobileInfo
Femme Fatale Comb

  • 15-35% Max Health boost;
  • [SINDEL] 1 Additional counter-attack for Sindel. Second additional counter-attack unlocks at Fusion X;
  • 25% Chance to convert 50% damage to Health on Special Attack 1. (Unlocks at fusion level X)


4 Rating(s)

Raed Suleiman

The best